Thursday, October 20, 2011

Flashlight Fun!

This was so simple and so fun! I just grabbed a flashlight and went into the darkest room in our house. For the first half I just let Linc play with the flashlight. Sorry in advance for the horrible pictures, my camera doesn't know what to do in the dark. Ok, ok maybe it's the photographer!

Then we made scary faces...

I couldn't get a picture of my fabulous shadow puppets because I didn't have enough hands but it was hilarious! He could request any animal and it didn't matter what the shadow looked like as long as the correct noise accompanied it I got the ooooo's and ahhhh's I was looking for.

Then we ended our activity by learning that he has a shadow. First he flashed it his belly...

Then he watched it jump right along with him...

Such a fun activity!!

Our playgroup also went to the park this morning and we finished it off with the traditional train ride.

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