Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I'm with the band

Last year, around this time, every time Lincoln started crying we started singing "the wheels on the bus". There were times it took quite a few verses to calm him down so after awhile there were all kinds of things on the bus that didn't belong including snakes. Nana got wind of this and purchased a toy bus for Lincoln's birthday but he was only allowed to get it if his mom (me) taught him the real words to the song. So nowadays it is limited to the mommy on the bus, the daddy on the bus, the wipers on the bus and the doors on the bus.
Well, Lincoln and I had singing time yesterday and I suddenly realized I had never sung "Old McDonald had a farm" to him. He thought it was the funniest song he had ever heard. So of course I kept singing about different animals on the farm because...he was egging me on by laughing. I'm sorry Nana but Old McDonald has all kinds of animals on his farm including elephants and snakes. This song helped me come up with an idea for today's activities...
We started by making a band with pots and pans

I left the room for a few minutes and when I came back he had turned the pots and pans over and was stirring inside of it. I asked him what he was making and he looked back at me over his shoulder and said in such a sweet voice "cereal".

I stepped closer and looked inside and he had actually put a few pieces of cereal inside (I gave him a bag of dried cereal to snack on earlier)

And then he asked if I wanted a taste

But back to Old McDonald, we ended the day with a trip to the zoo to see Old McDonalds animals...elephants

And snakes!!

1 comment:

Pete and Alison said...

So you are making look bad that Henry just watches TV all day in his diapers. Just kidding! What fun activities! You're a good mom.