Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Potty time

I turned on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse to distract Lincoln while I ran to the restroom. Not even ten seconds later there was a knock on the door, followed by a whimper "mama mama!" so I looked towards the door and four tiny fingers have somehow managed their way under the door and are wiggling at me. I thought it was cute that after only ten seconds apart he missed me so I walked over and open the door...I don't know, I guess I expected a hug or a smile. Instead he didn't even look at me, he literally pushed pass me, opened his potty lid (side note, yes he has a potty but no, I haven't even thought of potty training him yet) and he sat down on it. And then he gave me the "a little privacy please" look and so I left the room wondering what just happened...

1 comment:

  1. oh lincoln! i can't wait to see you guys next friday! yay!
